T. U. Printing Press


TU Press, which functions under the Registrar’s Office, is situated inside the boundary of University Campus, Kirtipur. It has been taking the responsibility of printing various materials of TU Central Office, TU Service Commission, Institutes and Faculty Dean’s Office, Central Departments, Research Centres, and all TU Campuses within Kathmandu Valley. Among them, more than 70% printing works order comes from Office of the Controller of Examination, TU, like answer books of different levels of examination and certificate of all levels. It also prints different kinds of forms. Besides that, the press prints textbooks, curriculum, different kinds of Journals of Institutes, Faculties, Central Departments, Campuses, and Journals of different Professors’ associations of TU. The press also prints Research Bulletins, Journals, Bulletins, Calendar, and Pocket Telephone Directory, Brochures, TU Smarika, TU Today, and necessary academic and administrative documents of TU. 
To provide printing facilities to the costumer, there are three buildings, six printing machines, five of them are offset machines and one letterpress, one quality automatic binding machine, one quality automatic sensible cutting machine, one general cutting machine, one soundless generator, one 20X30 size digital Plate Making Machine, four Electrical Stitching Machine two perforating machine, some small hand stitching machines and many kinds of equipment. The work of construction of a separate building for the printing section has been completed and the printing works have started from the new building. The repair of the Heidelberg offset machine has been completed. To provide two 19/25 Heidelberg Factory Refurbished offset machines from TU central office a proposal has been submitted to TU central office recently. 

Site description and concept

The site is located at the TU printing press near CEDA building. The shape is like wedge shape plan having elevation difference of 4m. The site elevation is gradually decreasing form west to east. At the south corner there is drop level of 4m which looks like a den in a cliff i.e. shown in blue area and can also see in the 3D. By analyzing the land profile, the green and red zone are only preferable area to build the building and blue zone for parking. In 3D, buildable area is placed with simple green block to get the feel of the volume then the volume is divided into three block having slope roof. Each block height is different for different purposes.


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